Preparing To Sell!
Preparing your home to list "For Sale" Seller's guideline
•Clear off counters
•Clean the oven
•All appliances working
•Wax the floor
•Fresh grout or caulk
•Bright light bulbs
•Bake cookies.
•Beds made
•Clothes put away
•Windows clean
•Window treatments open
•Bright light bulbs
•Remove unnecessary furniture anditems.
Living Room
•Carpets clean
•Windows clean
•Drapes/shades open
•Paint if necessary
Bright light bulbs
•Lights working
•Clothes neatly hung
•Shoes arranged
•Shelves orderly
•Remove unnecessary items to make closet appear larger.
•Fresh and spotless
•Countertop clear of clutter
•Toilet lid down
•Shower curtain clean
•Fresh caulking & grout
•No leaking faucets
•Bright light bulbs.
•Heating and air conditioning serviced
•All appliances working
•Locks and latches operating.
•Store unnecessary items offsite
•Clean grease from floor
•Clean dust and cobwebs
•Organize tools and shelves
•Adjust garage door to operate smoothly.
•Mow & edge lawn
•Trim trees and shrubs
•Replace dead plants
•Have some blooming plants
•Keep driveway, sidewalk, andsteps clear.
When Property is Shown
•Turn all lights on
•Open window treatments
•Music but no TV
•Keep pets out of way
•Avoid conversations with the agent or prospects
•Try to be gone or out of the way.